Hero's Hour Update In April Will Add a New Faction

An upcoming Hero's Hour update will include the 12th faction for the indie strategy game.

Published: March 28, 2022 11:22 AM /


Hero's Hour

There's a Hero's Hour update coming in April, and it's going to be a seismic shift for Hero's Hour players, adding in a new faction with 26 new units, 8 new unit abilities, 2 new hero skills, and 5 new faction unique mechanics. Update 2.1 will be a free update launching in late April, but it's not the only thing that Hero's Hour fans have to look forward to.

What's the latest Hero's Hour update?

There is a new Hero's Hour update available on Steam, but it's an opt-in beta at the moment. What gives? Well, there was an update pushed out prematurely that reliably corrupted save files, so this Hero's Hour update (and presumably updates going forward) will have a beta branch to thoroughly test them before they go live. As for what you'll be getting out of this current update, there's monitor support, modding improvements, bug fixes, and a ton of balance changes for players to obsess over. For the bigger changes, all common resolutions are now available, there are no more black bars at different aspect ratios, and mods can be toggled off within the game settings menu. A restart will still be needed, but at least activating your mods should be a lot more painless.

If you want to check it out, the beta branch for patch 2.0.7 is called beta_for_next_minor_update. For the 2.1 update, there will be a beta_for_next_major_update branch up closer to 2.1's launch in late April.

As you might expect, modding updates are coming as well, and in the future players will be able to add "skills, abilities, spells and other in-game mechanics that should go nicely with the faction mods that are already available. The modding improvements will be available sometime in May, which is fairly far away but between now and then you'll have two updates to play through, so at least that's something, eh?

For more information on Hero's Hour, indies, and everything in between, stay tuned to TechRaptor.

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Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Hero's Hour
Game Page Hero's Hour
Goblinz Studio
Release Date
March 1, 2022 (Calendar)
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