Overwatch League Unveils The Philadelphia Fusion

Published: November 2, 2017 12:00 AM /


Overwatch League Philadelphia Fusion

Fire up the grill and cook up a cheesesteak: the Philadelphia Fusion is the next team named for the Overwatch League according to a post on the league's official website.

The Philadelphia Fusion take their name from, well, fusion - taking distinct things and combining them to make something new. Ironically, the team shares the same colors of another Philly sports team, the Philadelphia Flyers. Both the Flyers and the Fusion are owned by the same parent organization Comcast Spectator. This latest team to join the Overwatch League uploaded a promotional video to their Facebook page kicking off the announcement of their name in a big way:

Further echoing the science-y vibe of things is the character chosen to represent the city of brotherly love: Winston. This inquisitive and thoughtful Overwatch character is donning the team's colors of orange and black with white accents on the joints. The team's name is emblazoned on the thrusters of Winston's suit.

Overwatch League Philadelphia Fusion Winston
Remember folks, he's not a monkey - he's a scientist. A scientist that looks like he's wearing a mechanical bottle of mustard, but a scientist nonetheless.

The Fusion are the tenth team to be named for the league - there are only two more teams left to go before we know the names of all twelve. Miami and the second Los Angeles team have yet to be officially announced, although their team names (Miami Mayhem and Los Angeles Gladiators) may have been revealed in a trademark filing not too long ago. One of the team's names in that filing was the New York Excelsior which has already been announced.

The Overwatch League has its preseason starting on December 6, 2017. The first season of the professional Overwatch competitive environment will start next year on January 10, 2018. You can keep up with the Philadelphia Fusion on Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, and YouTube.

What do you think of the Philadelphia Fusion? Do you like the team's name or would you have preferred something different? Let us know in the comments below!

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
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One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

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