Popup Dungeon Pops Up For An August Release

Tabletop Inspired Roguelike Fun

Published: June 14, 2020 1:48 PM /


Popup Dungeon

As part of an impressive collection of upcoming releases by Humble Games, Popup Dungeon looks like a tabletop game and seemingly plays like a card-based roguelike. It's always exciting to see such realistically rendered pieces come to life and engage in fantastical battles. It's like a geeky version of Toy Story, which you can see in today's new trailer:

Beyond the unique look, what will Popup Dungeon offer to gamers everywhere in a couple of months? One of its most distinctive features is its customization engine. Not only can you create in-game models out of whatever characters you can imagine, but the levels you're playing are also easily handcrafted by creators worldwide. To start, you can try out the procedurally generated dungeons, but the game also supports everything from "classic RPG adventures to personality quizzes and interactive fiction." It all just depends on the imagination of the game's player base.

Whether you're playing through custom content or whatever the game throws at you, you gain persistent loot that powers up your party for further adventures. In that way, Popup Dungeon tries to avoid the trap of games that rely heavily on customization. Playing the game is never meaningless, you're always gaining something that will help you explore more the next time out.

Popup Dungeon is coming to PC in just a couple of months, August 2020 to be exact. You can wishlist the game now on its Steam page if you've got a friend in the fine folks at Triple B.Titles and Humble Games.

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Alex Santa Maria TechRaptor
| Staff Writer

Alex Santa Maria is TechRaptor's former Reviews Editor (2015-2020) and current occasional critic. Joining the site early in its life, Alex grew the review… More about Alex