Surviving The Abyss Brings Base-Building Horror In January

Something is lurking beneath the waves, and you'll have to build an extensive underwater base to stave it off while also surviving other terrors in the newly-announced Surviving the Abyss.

Published: November 17, 2022 10:29 AM /


A dimly-lit base underwater in Surviving the Abyss

Surviving the Abyss, the latest in the somewhat loosely-defined Surviving series by Paradox, has been revealed. It's a deep-sea base-building game with strong exploration and horror elements, and it's coming to Steam Early Access on January 17th.

There's not much to connect Surviving the Abyss to Mars and Aftermath on the surface, other than a theme of surviving despite harsh conditions. Developers Rocket Flair Studios have admitted that they're pretty big fans of Surviving Mars, though, so they're bringing that love to bear when creating Surviving the Abyss. Perhaps an acquisition is on the cards for them as well?

In any case, Surviving the Abyss tasks you with building and maintaining a deep-sea facility in the mid-70s. Your goal is to perfect human cloning technology, then figure out a way to weaponize it. Along the way, you'll have to contend with various environmental issues, including darkness, oxygen, and power to your base, but there's more at work here as well.

A base with menu screens surrounding it in Surviving the Abyss
Surviving the Abyss will have you managing a deep-sea facility and contending with the terrors of the deep.

While you research new technology, make the sea your own, and advance the agendas of your superiors, you'll also have to battle the flora and fauna of the sea, fending them off and using them to your advantage where you can. In that way, Abyss is kind of like Surviving Mars meets Subnautica.

That's not all, though. Something...else is out there. Something, according to Paradox and Rocket Flair, "is lurking at the edge of darkness", watching you and waiting for a chance to take you. Darkness is danger and light is safety, so make sure you don't turn off the lights, no matter what you do.

Surviving the Abyss lands on Steam via the Early Access program on January 17th. You can wishlist it right now if you want to keep up with its progress and be better prepared when the horrors of the deep lunge at your base.

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| Senior Writer

Joe has been writing for TechRaptor for five years, and in those five years has learned a lot about the gaming industry and its foibles. He’s originally an… More about Joseph

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Surviving the Abyss
Paradox Arc
Release Date
January 17, 2023 (Calendar)
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