Watch Dogs: Legion Will Not Feature Any Actual Dogs

Sadly, Watch Dogs Legion will not have any actual dogs in it.

Published: June 12, 2019 1:23 PM /


The player riding a drone towards a bridge in Watch Dogs: Legion

In a stunning disappointment, it turns out that Watch Dogs: Legion dogs will not be appearing in the game.

While Ubisoft's latest foray into the Watch Dogs universe has made a big deal about the ability to play as anyone in the futuristic version of London, it seems that the playable characters are going to be restricted to humans only.

The reveal of Watch Dogs: Legion certainly provided an interesting premise: you can apparently play as any NPC in the game.

Characters riding on drones across the city in Watch Dogs: Legion

Unfortunately, our hands-on preview of the game from E3 shows that it doesn't play out as well as we would have hoped. The complete and total lack of Watch Dogs Legion dogs simply adds to the overall disappointment from this newest entry to the franchise.

"There are no dogs in the game because if you’re gonna play as anyone, we would have to be able to support playing as a dog, because that’s only fair," Watch Dogs: Legion Creative Director Clint Hocking said to IGN.

Disappointingly, the lack of dogs in Legion was a problem that had been solved by its predecessor; Watch Dogs 2 had a city full of puppers and doggos.

While you couldn't really use them for very much in terms of gameplay, you could at least walk up to them and pet them. Frankly, that's a step up no matter how you look at things.

If you want to actually watch dogs, you should check out Pupperazzi, a game that is all about watching dogs unlike this game with its disappointingly misleading name.

You can watch the Watch Dogs Legion World Premier trailer below to see the disappointing lack of actual dogs for yourself. (I guess there's some actual gameplay to check out, too.) Watch Dogs: Legion launches for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Stadia on March 6, 2020.

If you want to know more about this and other announcements happening at E3 then be sure to check out our E3 2019 Coverage Hub.

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
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One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

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Release Date
October 29, 2020 (Calendar)
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