Dinkum Bugs Guide | Where to Find Each Bug

Last Update: May 21, 2024 2:02 PM /


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In our Dinkum bugs guide, we'll explain bug catching strategies, our best tips and tricks, and where to find bugs in game.

Player catching a Ulysses Butterfly during Summer.

The Basics of Bug Catching

Bug catching is one of the first skills you can acquire in Dinkum and is an okay way to make some money early in the game. Once John comes to the island you’ll need to buy a net from him, which you can do when he’s set up in the tent or once he opens his store.

Armed with your net, you can now catch any bug you come across! You’ll just need to get to the square behind your chosen bug and swing your net. The game’s aiming for many things, including this, is a bit finicky, so you may have to try a couple of times. However, bugs won’t disappear if unsuccessfully caught, so no worries.

Bug Catching Tips and Tricks

While bug catching might seem like a daunting task at first, we’ve got some tips and tricks to make things easier, as well as general helpful information.

  • Keep your sound on while catching bugs. Some, like flies, are easier to hear than to see. If a bee’s nest falls from a tree you just cut down, the bees are also easier to hear than to see.
  • Nets wear down, but not as quickly as pickaxes. Always keep a spare on you, especially when John’s shop is closed on Sundays.
  • Bugs take up individual slots in your inventory and don’t stack, keep that in mind when you’re planning bug expeditions. However, if you take a bug and place it on the ground, you’ll see it stays inside a small container rather than flies or crawls away. This does not apply if you swap bugs with your inventory full or if you drop a bug with Q.
  • Keep a few extra bugs around in case of characters requesting them. Bugs don’t go into storage, you’ll need to keep them in their individual containers, so it’s most feasible to keep the most common requests as spares.

Bug List

Here's a list of Dinkum Bugs. For times, Morning lasts until 11AM. Night is dependent on Season, starting as early as 6PM in Winter, and 9PM in Summer.

If you want an easier time finding specific bugs, the Bug Book can be bought from the Museum after donating enough animals. When used, this will show the name and selling price of nearby Bugs — ones you haven't already caught are marked as "????"

Bugs Location Time Season
Fly Everywhere Morning, Day Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring
Cockroach Everywhere Night Summer, Autumn, Spring
Grass Yellow Butterfly Plains, Pine Forests, Tropics Morning, Day Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring
Blue Moon Butterfly Everywhere Morning, Day Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring
Stink Bug Everywhere Morning, Day, Night Autumn
Common Blue Tail Pine Forests, Tropics Morning, Day Autumn, Winter
Scarlet Jezebel Butterfly Everywhere Day Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring
Meadow Katydid Plains Morning, Day Autumn, Spring
Black Cricket Everywhere Night Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring
Bogong Moth Everywhere Night Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring
Painted Lady Butterfly Pine Forests Morning, Day Summer, Spring
Ulysses Butterfly Bushlands Morning, Day Summer, Spring
Bee Pine Forests, Plains, Beehives Day Summer, Spring
Largidae Everywhere Day Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring
Firefly Everywhere Night Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring
Swallow-Tail Butterfly Tropics Day Summer, Autumn
Funnel Web Spider Bushlands Day, Night Summer, Spring
Cricket Plains, Bushlands Night Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring
Grasshopper Tropics, Plains Day Spring
? ?    
? ?    
Glow Bug Underground Morning, Day, Night Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring
Paper Wasp Plains, Desert Day Autumn
Desert Scorpion Desert Morning, Day, Night Autumn, Winter
Tiger Moth Plains, Bushlands Night Autumn, Winter
Trogid Desert Night Autumn, Spring
Red Back Spider Desert Day, Night Summer, Autumn, Spring
Pygmyfly Desert, Plains Day Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring
Lacewing Pine Forests, Plains Day Summer, Spring
Ladybird Pine Forests, Plains Morning Spring
Tau Emerald Butterfly Plains, Bushlands Day Summer, Autumn
Harlequin Butterfly Everywhere Morning, Day Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring
Purple Azure Butterfly Pine Forests Morning, Day Summer, Autumn, Spring
Duskhawker Dragonfly Pine Forests, Tropics Morning, Day Autumn, Spring
Fiddler Beetle Tropics, Bushlands Morning Autumn, Winter
Tiger Beetle Desert Night Autumn, Spring
Monarch Butterfly Bushlands, Pine Forests Morning, Day Spring
Peacock Spider Bushlands, Tropics Morning Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring
Rhinoceros Beetle Bushlands, Pine Forests Morning Autumn, Winter
Centipede Everywhere Night Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring
Queen Bee Pine Forests, Plains, Beehives Morning Summer, Spring
? ?    
? ?    
Huntsman Desert, Bushlands Day, Night Autumn, Winter
Stag Beetle Tropics, Bushlands Morning Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring
? ?    
? ?    
? ?    

What You Can Do With Bugs

Now that you’ve caught some bugs in Dinkum, what next? There’s three main options you can choose from. Once John has a permanent store, visitors will start rotating in and out of the island, including Theodore who opens up a museum. Either at the tent or the museum, you can choose to donate one of each specimen to him and he’ll pay you 100 Permit Points for each.

Bugs can also be sold to John at his store or at the tent, for varying amounts of money.

Occasionally, characters will have requests for bugs that they will either leave on the Bulletin board or tell you if you go to them daily and ask if you can help with anything. This is why it’s a good idea to keep some spare bugs on hand, if you have the space on your island, and you’ll usually get much better rewards in terms of money or items from completing a request than you would from selling the bugs to the store.


That's it for our Dinkum Bugs guide! If this helped you, check out more below!


Have a tip, or want to point out something we missed? Leave a Comment or e-mail us at tips@techraptor.net

| Former Staff Writer

Courtney Ehrenholfer is an aspiring novelist and screenwriter, and current journalist who greatly enjoys video games, especially those of the point and… More about Courtney

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James Bendon
James Bendon
Release Date
July 14, 2022 (Calendar)
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