Steam All Articles - Page 33

Steam Curators Program Page

Valve Changes Disclosure Policy for Steam Curators

Due to mounting backlash of a recent change to its new Discovery Update, Valve has made another change to policy regarding the Steam Curator system. The new update forces curators to declare if they'…

October 6, 2014 | 12:57 EDT


Steam's built-in Music Player Officially Releases

Coming hot off the heels of the recent Steam Discovery Update, Valve has brought the Steam Music Player out of BETA - complete with a few highly desired changes. Among these changes is the ability to…

September 24, 2014 | 09:49 EDT

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The new Steam store is here!

To the surprise of some, Valve has redesigned the Steam storefront! The update adds plenty of new features, and they're all described after the break!  The biggest change to the store is how it…

September 23, 2014 | 02:00 EDT


Is Linux the Future of PC Gaming?

It has recently been revealed that Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Presequel will be coming to Linux. Aspyr Media, the company responsible for the Borderlands 2 iOS port will be taking the reigns…

September 9, 2014 | 11:00 EDT

Valve Company Logo

Australia Challenges Valve Over Refund Policy

Australia said "No" as of a few days ago regarding Steam's no-refund policy.  A government organization, The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) which oversees Australian consumer…

September 6, 2014 | 09:00 EDT


Codemasters Weekend Deal Roundup

The Codemasters weekend sale (Want to find it? Click here.) is now live on Steam! It runs from now until September 8. You'll find a list of the games included (and their prices) after the break.…

September 4, 2014 | 05:14 EDT


Steam update adds ability to install multiple games at once.

Now here's something that has been a long time coming; especially for people that have a long steam backlog like me! Don't you love it when a Steam update is actually useful? Earlier this month it…

August 27, 2014 | 09:47 EDT


Steam may offer movies, music, and more

The digital games giant Steam may be looking at added functionality for its upcoming living room devices. Like the Apple TV and the Fire TV, Valve talked in the past about the possibility of the…

August 11, 2014 | 10:42 EDT


Shovel Knight first month sales breakdown

Shovel Knight developer Yacht Club Games has announced via their website that their indie title has sold over 180,000 copies of their Action-Platforming game. Their blog has an extremely in depth…

August 6, 2014 | 08:32 EDT


Kerbal Space Program .24 Released

Fans of Squad’s wildly successful Kerbal Space Program will cheer when they get their hands on the 0.24 update, which adds a list of anticipated features to the Career Mode of the game. The Contract…

July 21, 2014 | 01:26 EDT

steam sale featured

A Look back at the Steam Sale

When it comes to Steam sales, you always remember your first.  That first binge where your library exponentially increases, as you are constantly amazed by the low prices on games you don’t…

July 11, 2014 | 11:24 EDT

Humble 2K Bundle

Humble 2K Bundle Announced

In case you were in a coma for the last Steam Sale, Humble Bundle has popped up to offer the Humble 2K Bundle, which served to offer a slew of highly successful and critically acclaimed titles from…

July 9, 2014 | 11:28 EDT

Steam Summer Sale

The 2014 Steam Summer Sale Begins (Advice)

It's that time of the year again! The event the PC gaming community looks forward to for months in advance. It's time to empty out any remaining Steam Wallet balance that's been hanging around, and…

June 19, 2014 | 04:18 EDT

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Early Access to Happy Wars Via Steam

Lots of big titles coming out this week, not to drop any names here. But for those of you who aren't into hacking or karting around, steam just announced early access for Happy Wars via their twitter…

May 28, 2014 | 06:54 EDT


Steam Machines and Steam Controller Delayed to 2015

Valve announced in an update on their "Steam Universe" group on Steam, that they will not likely hit their intended 2014 window for their Steam Machines and Steam Controller. This news is rather…

May 27, 2014 | 09:28 EDT

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1 on 1 with Marvel Puzzle Quest Director Joe Fletcher

During our time time at C2E2, NerdyRaptor was fortunate enough to get some face time in with the developer of Marvel Puzzle Quest director Joe Fletcher. Those not familiar with "Marvel Puzzle Quest:…

May 5, 2014 | 09:00 EDT


Steam Quality Control is Terrible

Seeing as Steam is the premier service for many PC gamers, it should hold up to some serious scrutiny. Few services come even a fraction close to the amount of traffic and use that Steam has. Many…

April 9, 2014 | 09:00 EDT

Spelunky Retrospective

Why I Can't Quit Spelunky: A Retrospective

When I finally, triumphantly, beat Spelunky, I thought I was done. I thought that stranglehold of an addiction was bound to be loosened, releasing that grasp that kept me hooked even when I had…

March 26, 2014 | 10:00 EDT


Steam Greenlight Roundup: March 19

Yesterday, March 19, 2014, 75 titles passed through Steam Greenlight, meaning they could use Steam as a platform for distributing their game. This doesn't mean that the game is finished and ready to…

March 20, 2014 | 10:00 EDT


Dear Esther Dev Leaves the Comfort Zone to Work at Valve

On March 11, successful indie developer Robert Briscoe announced via his blog that after a long work visa application process, he would be taking a position at Valve Software, creators of notable…

March 17, 2014 | 09:00 EDT


What We Learned from the Gabe Newell / Valve AMA

Today, March 4th, Gabe Newell and others from Valve held an AMA (Ask Me Anything, an interview of sorts) on Reddit.  You can find the whole thread here. The focus of this will not be what did we…

March 4, 2014 | 09:23 EST

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Behemoth's BattleBlock Theater announced for Steam

What was once an Xbox Live Arcade-exclusive title is making it's way to a computer near you. BattleBlock Theater from developers The Behemoth is making it's way to the PC platform via Steam. In…

March 4, 2014 | 03:12 EST

Stacked containers in port

Monstrum Submits Players to a Horror Filled Challenge

Being stranded on a ship that is glazed with traps and has environmental hazards lurking throughout the location is cause enough to have concern. Then throw in another passenger who just so happens…

February 19, 2014 | 01:57 EST

The Serenity ship landing on a planet in Firefly Online

Firefly Online Will Be Playable On Steam

Firefly Online, the all new game coming from Spark Plug Games, is an MMO that makes players the captain of their own ship in the universe of the show Firefly. Players will have the ability to captain…

January 23, 2014 | 05:27 EST


Most Anticipated Games of 2014 - Watch Dogs

As 2014 starts roll in, everyone always stops what they are doing to think about the great Videogame titles that are coming out  over the next year. Some come out in the beginning, middle and end. No…

January 17, 2014 | 09:00 EST

The Steam logo against a backdrop of some of the games available on the store

Valve Announces Its First Gen Steam Machines

That's right, it's that time! Steam Machines are here, and Valve has given us a list of over a dozen companies that will be creating the first generation of Valve's living room console. With…

January 6, 2014 | 10:00 EST


iBuyPower Steam Machine announced

When the rumors started to appear that Valve was working on its own form factor computer, which would be aimed at the console market, I was quite shocked but excited to see what was announced, when…

November 29, 2013 | 09:00 EST

A grinning knight character in The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot

Begin The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot on Steam

Ubisoft's upcoming 'free to play' hack and slash game The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot is now available on Steam as part of the Early Access program. Unfortunately 'free to play' is in quotes for a…

November 21, 2013 | 09:00 EST

A frontal view of the Steam Controller

Steam Universe Expansion: Steam Controller

On Friday, Valve finally announced the third and final part of its new Steam Universe Expansion. Here's what Valve had to say about its new device. A different kind of gamepad We set out with a…

September 27, 2013 | 02:02 EDT

Stylized animals gathered in front of a large screen displaying Steam, intended to illustrate Steam Family Sharing

The Steam Family Sharing Beta Has Begun!

Quick! Check your inbox, because the Steam Family Sharing beta is up and running. Valve sent invites to the first 1000 participants this week, and if you got an invite, all you have to do is go to…

September 26, 2013 | 02:38 EDT

The Steam logo against a white background

Steam Universe Expansion! Steam Machines Details

On Monday, Valve and Steam released part 1 of 3 of their "Steam Universe Expansion", outlining the all new SteamOS, and we learned all about what can be done with the all new free operating system!…

September 25, 2013 | 02:02 EDT

The SteamOS logo with a large planet above it

The Steam Universe Expansion! SteamOS Details

Last week, Steam posted a new page on their site, saying that it has a big announcement on the tail of its successful "Big Picture" feature for the Steam client. The all-new page says the following…

September 23, 2013 | 02:10 EDT

Image of a Steam Library With Top Completed Games out of over 1000

Steam Family Sharing Feature Announced

Valve just released a press release stating that an all new feature, called "Family Sharing" is coming to Steam (in limited Beta) on Steam next week. Family Sharing, which will allow for close…

September 11, 2013 | 08:33 EDT