Dying Light 2 Downtown Collectibles Guide

Last Update: February 9, 2022 6:58 PM /


Dying Light 2 - Downtown Collectibles Guide Key Art

Dying Light 2 brings us back to the zombie-infested world of the original game, only this time the virus has gone global. As the new hero Aiden it's up to you to decide the fate of the city of Villedor, and of course, parkour your way through legions of zombies and psychopaths. Another thing you'll be spending a lot of time on is picking up collectibles. From tapes to documents, and even street art, the streets are littered with things for you to find while you're running around dropkicking zombies off of buildings for fun. We've got you covered with our Dying Light 2 Downtown Collectibles Guide

Unfortunately, it's not quite that easy. Unlike many games, there is no indication of exactly where you'll have to go to find these collectibles, or exactly how many there are in each region. Despite that, we've tried our best to supply you with the information you'll need to collect every collectible in the downtown area of Dying Light 2. With that in mind, read on to complete your collection. Just bear in mind, we're only human. If we've missed anything, drop us a comment to let us know so we can add it to help out other players. 

Dying Light 2 Downtown Collectibles Map

Dying Light 2 Trinity Collectibles Map

Dying Light 2 Downtown Notes - Locations

N1. Brochure 

There's a bus suspended in the central-southern area of Downtown. Inside the bus, on the side closest to both doors, you'll find a little table with a small brochure on it. 

N2. Second Page of a Comicbook

When you first get to the central loop, you should automatically unlock a fast travel point to the only metro station in Downtown. Once you fast travel there, you should be at the bottom of some stairs. Turn around to enter the safe room with your bed and stash inside. Opposite the bed is a bench and table. The comic is on the table just in front of the bench. 

N3. Newspaper Article - December 23rd, 2021

When you first get to Downtown, you'll have to turn on the power station and decide who gets to be in charge of it. Just before you hit the activation button, there will be a newspaper on the little shelf that's part of the control console for the station. If you miss it, you can use the rope lift outside to get back into the room where you'll find the newspaper still available.

AUTO. Sierra, Little Ron, and Kiddie's Dog Tags

All 3 of these sets of dog tags will automatically be picked up as part of the Wall of Valor: Bad Medicine mission. 

Dying Light 2 - Downtown Tapes

Dying Light 2 Downtown Recordings - Locations

R1. The City Classifieds - The Cable Guy

You'll come across the messengers as you explore the main storyline, and eventually once you've spoken to enough of them you'll be told to find their hideout. After doing a mission or two to prove yourself to them, you'll be allowed to join them. At this point, you can get inside their base. This tape is found right in front of their leader just on the desk as you enter the room. 

R2. Journal of a Nightrunner #4

At the southern end of the area, you'll see a tall building just north of the anomaly. At the westernmost end of this building is a Nightrunner hideout that also happens to feature a recording. You can find the tape at the northern edge of the roof on top of a small box with a book on it. 

R3. Be Fruitful and Multiply

During the mission "Welcome on Board" you'll have to visit a fancy apartment to find art to bribe someone with. If you miss this mission, or you've already done it, you can find the building easily by looking for the tallest building that is really close to the electrical station. On the bottom floor of the penthouse apartment, you'll find a story on the side that has a tape right in front of it. 

R4. Journal of a Nightrunner #5

On the roof of the same building that the messengers call home, as well as the place where Lowan goes to relax. it's also the first roof you get to when entering the central loop. On the rooftop safehouse, there's a bed and the tape is right next to it. 

R5. GRE Head Doctor, Dr.Katsumi Report #3

In the GRE center right in the middle of Downtown you'll have to work your way down through the floors as usual. The first floor contains an inhibitor chest, and opposite you should see a desk and on that desk will be this tape.  

AUTO. Lawan's Mix Tape

You can get this one during the mission called 'The Shoes'. When you visit Lawan's old apartment you'll be able to pick up this tape near her stereo system. 

AUTO. UNIT 404: Evacuation

During the Wall of Valor: Bad Medicine mission you'll have to pick this one up automatically. 

Downtown Graffiti Dying Light 2

Dying Light 2 Downtown Graffiti - Locations

G1. Raise Your Knees

You should be able to see this one from a distance. On the west side of a building with a roof garden on top. The collectible itself is just underneath the art. 

G2. Deadly Chihuahua

At the very southern tip of the area, on the building at the eastern tip of the GRE anomaly area. You can find the collectible on the walkway opposite the art.

G3. Monkey Money

At the western edge of Downtown there are several square courtyards of buildings. The northernmost one has a giant gorilla spray-painted on a wall on the southern side of the eastern buildings. The collectible is on the scaffolding opposite the painting. 

G4. Big Gun, Big Love

At the northern edge of another courtyard area, you should easily spot this giant gun painted all the way up a building. YOu can find the pickup at the bottom of the painting on top of an air-conditioning vent that pops out from the wall slightly. 

G5. Money Floats

On the side of a huge apartment building with some balconies nearby. You can find the collectible by climbing up the balconies and looking inside the first one. 

G6. Pills and Hearts

At the very back section of another rooftop garden area. You should be able to find it easily even from a distance, and the collectible is just to the right side of the art hidden slightly in the grass. 

G7. Good Luck

On the building that is directly south of the power station. It's on the southern side of the building, so you'll need to go all the way over or around it to actually find it. It's on the top floor, just below the roof, and the pickup is in plain sight. 

G8. Toy Soldier

On the northern wall of the GRE center in the middle of the district. You can get the collectible by checking out the military tower that's just by the artwork and it should be inside.

Have a tip, or want to point out something we missed? Leave a Comment or e-mail us at tips@techraptor.net

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Will has been writing about video games professionally since 2016 and has covered everything from AAA game reviews to industry events and everything in… More about William

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Learn More About Dying Light 2 Stay Human
Release Date
February 4, 2022 (Calendar)
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